Wednesday, September 13, 2006

wednesday thoughts

well today is another icky nasty cold day out. and to top it all off, now me and owen are both sick. so it'll be a fun day when all i wanna do is sleep and i have laundry to do at nap time lol. and so really there isnt anything going on. but i thought i'd share a funny convo between me and owen.

so the story behind it is some guy was walking over to do laundry when me and owen went to get the mail. and here is owen being a typical almost 2 yr old:

Owen: :Wha's that?"
Momma: "He is doing his laundry"

O: "whyyyyy?"
M: "because his clothes are dirty"

O: "whyyyyyy?"
M: " because he probably went out to some places"

O: "whyyyyyyyyyy?"
M: "because he has money"

O: "oooooooooooooooooh! hahahahahaha"

yeah thats my silly boy!

1 comment:

Sinead said...

Yay Brandy! Lookin' great!