Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday's thoughts

well lets see what is going on right now? way to much i guess lol. there is a few things i need to get done this week and blah on it all. i hate this weather. its been so gloomy and grey the last couple days all i wanna do is sleep lol. of course the first thing i hear in the mornings is this little voice screaming: "mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomma!!!" from his crib and i know it's time to get up. so as i roll outta bed i realize that i need to get laundry done, as hubby was saying he has no clean clothes for work tonight. then there are the dishes in the sink and the mess on the floor as well as the crunching when ya walk since owen wanted to dump funyuns all on the floor. so blah on all that lol. then i need to get the living room arranged and moved around and all that fun stuff so the new recliner doesnt take up all the space in the room.

and tonight is the last episode of big brother. sigh, now what am i gonna watch for the 3 days a week it has been on. the remaining people are blah and not who i'd want or really care to watch lmao. but i'll still watch cuz i love the show lol. and im sad to see it end but excited to see who won and when the next one will start lol. so blah, the only good thing is now the new season of Gilmore Girls starts on the 20th and i cant wait lol. thats my new addiction as well. it's so easy to get into the shows i've been meaning to watch when you can record them on the cable box and watch them later lol.

so it is starting to feel alot like fall. it is rainy, gloomy out and is suppose to the next couple days. and poor owen woke up with these nasties all over his nose. of course it's been running like a fountain all day and i cant keep it wiped since he wont let me. but atleast he is letting me give him his tylonal with out a fight lol. that makes it alittle easier lol.

And hubby is still waiting to hear back from his dr about if he needs to keep doing these shots and how often he needs them done. He has a hemmoraged disk in his back that is pinching both sides and the spinal cord. And he started steroid shots last week. well he is also suppose to lose weight, but these shots make him sooo hungry. so that doesnt help with losing weight lol. but other then that he is doing good i guess lol.

and i am so glad the dr switched me to Prozac for my ppd. since being on it (almost 3 weeks now) i've had alot more energy through out the day then i did on zoloft so i get so much more done. and i've felt alot better on it. everyone has noticed a big difference in me since i've been on it. and now i gotta call and get my molars out blah. it bites but i'll feel 100% better mouth wise when it's all done lmao.

so i think all in al thats what is going on today lol

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