Thursday, September 14, 2006

random babble

Well after a few days or forever like it seems, the sun is FINALLY out yay! still cold out but the sun is out lol. so maybe it wont be a dreary day and i can get some dang laundry done lol.

so bout 3 months ago maybe more, we decided to join bally's gym and stuff. we got a gret deal on a membership with day care and owen loved the day care and it was going good. then my mouth started to hurt so bad, so i didnt wanna go. then jeff got hurt and he hasnt wanted to go. now we get this letter in the mail that if we can come up with 800 dollars and send it in by the 22nd we can pay the WHOLE membership off. so of course we think awsome now how do we come up with that much? we tried increasing credit limits....nope. and our families dont have that kinda cash just laying around. but jeff called a family member in fl, and he will loan us the cash and we can pay him back with 100 every month!!!! omg we figured it out that will save us 400+ dollars a month (with it not going to credit cards and making them more expensive) to have to play around with!!!! thats great because owen so needs new winter/fall clothes as do i and we all need new shoes! YAY we might not be broke anymore after this!!!! omg that made my night.

oh and i sent in (well a little early lol must have over looked the date to send it in lol) my entry for the scrap artist aprentice contest!!! im sooooo excited. i really wanna start designing my own stuff and think that this would be a good shot to try lol. I cant wait to show it off. when it goes in the freebie gallery i'll be sure to post a link here lol.

Man can you believe that it is almost time for owen's 2nd birthday?! i cant beleive it. we were going to go with a blue's clues theme (since last year they didnt have it when we went to get the decorations ) but this is the theme were going with and one of the decorations that we are getting for his party. they are called Scene Setters, they look really neat:

i think owe will love it! he is so into his cars right now. i cant wait. and im designing his invites!! omg i'm so excited. cant believe my baby boy is going to be 2 in nov?!!

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