ever have one of those months that just seems to be one thing after another?! boy has it been here. First my FIL (well soon to be) had a heart attack the last week of march. Come to find out it was caused by his gall bladder removed. so then on the 1st of April (also his b-day) they do the surgery to take it out. it goes good, until his lungs collapse and they get them back up and he spends a week in ICU....oh and him and my mil are set to get married this saturday so she is so stressed out. then it seems that no matter how much we save we just cant get ahead. last week we only had 5 bucks in the bank. then AFTER pay day it was 4 bucks. then jeff comes home and says "something hit my car and the drivers door wont open. i have to climb through the passenger side to get in." Ugh come on! of course being jeff he then decided, that he didnt wanna do that anymore and insted of having it looked at by his brother, bends it open as far as it can to squeeze in. NOW with the door shut you can LOOK into the spot where the door is being pushed out . And the on the night before easter about a 2-3 hours after we are over there to dye eggs, mom calls and says they are rushing my grandma to the hospital via ambulance as she says her chest is tightening and she cant breath (back up info on my grandma she has enphazima and has an oxygen machine at home to use and a nebulizer that she uses and has been under quite alot of stress latly due to mom and sister l-o-n-g story) and so that gets me freaked out and i cnat go to sleep til she calls back. she finally goes bout 1am and says they said she was trying to have a heart attack at her house and they stoped it, and then i guess she tried to have another one sunday morning. They kept her overnight and sunday as well. It was really really just not right having easter dinner at her house (per her orders lol) Something that if god forbid happens, we wont be able to keep having holidays over there because it will just not feel right. so Mom called this afternoon and said that she thought they said Grandma had Gastric Reflex (which i've never heard of) or acid reflex she couldnt remember at the moment. Then today i wake up wash out a sippy for owen and i look down cuz my feet are wet and there is just bunch of water pour out of my cupboard under the sink. i open it up to find 1-3inches of water and a pipe that unscrewed it's self. that was how i felt. thankfully owen has been sooooo good today. it really helped. and that they showed us how to fix it should it happen agian (all it needed was to be pushed up and something else that jeff knows how to do) but i am just ready to hide under a rock until it gets better thanks for reading if u did.
but on to my toot!! another on Di Hickman's blog:
Credits Here
I sure hope everything brightens up for you. {{HUG}}
Beautiful layout.
Wow, I am so sorry to hear everything thats been going on for you! When it rains, it pours, huh? :(
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