Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday thoughts

so here it is agian thursday and almost the weekend. and YAY it's payday! which means we get to go shopping for Owen and myself lol. but i wish it wasnt so dang cold lol. as much as i hated the hot summer i really wasnt ready for it to be so cold so fast lol.

so we spent ALLLLLL day yesterday cleaning and i was up at 7 cleaning our room and blah so glad it's all done lol. and i've been trying to get some kits scrapped and lol well thats not working lol.

so we got some good plans this weekend,

friday-gotta pick up the wedding gift for our friends.
sat- is the wedding and reception and aunt "tt" as owen calls her is stayin over and babysitting.
sunday- football football foootball! lol jeff is excited. he is so glad football is back on lmao.

other then that not much to do this weekend lol. hope everyone is having a good day :)

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Come over and help me clean, would ya? My office area is a disaster! LOL :) Have fun shopping today!