blah so it was suppose to be a great day. it was Owen and my neice's second b-day party and everyone was having fun despite the birthday people taking a nap lol. but then bout an hour after we get there my neck is just hot and burning and itching soooo crazy. I went in there and asked jeff if it was all red and he goes "wtf did u get into?" and i was confused. so i went to look and it was all red with hives all over. i freaked cuz I've NEVER had them before in my life. i thought it was the Axe spray i used. So jeff says "use aloe vera" well it got rid of what was on the front of my neck but nothing else on my neck and in my ear. so I get home (we waited for the party to end....Didnt itch since i was focusing all i could on oj) and i take a shower. and i get out and it started with little spots on my sides. i'm liek WTF nothing in my shower routine has changed. then i could feel my jaw puff up and stuff too. so i'm like great. thankfully owen was pretty good for me and watched over the hedge before bed. not much of a fight. and i looked on my hand....had a couple of spots. then in the next 5 minuets it was all red and itchy. and my other hand started the spots too. then i look under my shirt and my sides and tummy are crazy red and hivey and blah. so my mom took me to the Emergancy room and they were like "oh you poor thing" i understand i look young and i guess they could've treated me crappy cuz im on public aid insurance, and they start talking to me like I'm 4 yrs old. the dr was walked in and was like "oh hunny you poor thing! you must be miserable" i was NOT in a great peachy mood by then and was thinking....ya think?! so they give me some cortizone shot, benadryl, pepsid and something else. that started to work almost instantly and all i wanted to do was sleep lol. i finally got home at i think 12 or so. i think i talked to jeff all i remember doing was crashing in bed lmao. but here are pics of my sides and tummy and my neck (if u can see it on there little dark .... it's from the party)
Side 1Side 2Side 3
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