Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wacky Tuesday.

Well first off it's been a great week so far....yes it just started but still going great. My baby boy is 23 months old!!! when did that happen? cant believe it. he is too smart for his own good too. but still cute as a button. cant wait to have his parties.

Next i'm SOOOOOOOO excited. first i got the $$ to get my 4 wisdom teeth removed....and it'll leave me with 100 bucks to get a much needed winter coat!!!! and then i find out today that my mother in law is buying me my camera for my birthday!!!!!!! she said since she didnt get me anything for my birthday last year she wants to get it for me.....so i'd be nuts to pass it up...lol. and then that means since i told everyone to give me $$ for my birthday to go for my camera funds lol, that i can get even more winter clothes for me and oj!!!! YAY!!! so been a good week so far.

so we watched my niece today because my sister in law had to get knee surgery and my mother in law went with her. well i realized i'd feel my family was complete once with one more child....preferably a little girl. my neice is 10 days older then owen and is so cute. i loved having the four of us "rough" housing around. Jeff asked if i could handle this all day for at least 8 hrs a day. i told him of course. i mean some days will be rough but not all of them. so that was our day today lol. now off to do some scrapping i hope lol....waiting for gilmore girls and friday night lights to start at 7 lol.

Peace and Love,

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